Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dedicated to My Family- "When I'm Long Gone..."

"When I'm Long Gone..."

When I'm no longer breathing,
When my ashes are spread
Over the Pacific Ocean,
Hope this letter reaches
My family & they cry
Tears of happiness & joy,
No plans of leaving this
Planet anytime soon
But when I do...
I don't want my
Life to be lived in vain,
Struggles I have faced & pain
That I have encountered,
I've been living life
On the go,
No time to enjoy
The beautiful moments,
Let anger take a hold of me,
Allowed leaches to drown
My spirit,
No longer will I live life
While allowing others
Negativity to choke me,
Exhale freely,
Breathe in then out,
Live life gracefully,
Thankful for my family,
Every minute I was blessed
To have them around me,
Here's my love letter,
I'll put my heart on the line,
Give anything for those I love to know
How much I truly care for them,
Granny always told me
To live out my dreams,
On her death bed,
She held me told me
She loved me unconditionally,
Daddy raised me with a
General's mentality,
Momma told me to be kind
While in the face of adversity,
Younger brother gave me
The strength I need to proceed
Even when he doubted me,
His presence always brought me
Back home safely,
Now I know who I am,
Where I come from,
No one can take away
My shine,
My strength,
So when I'm long gone,
Allow my legacy to
Build & Continue On...

 By Ani Galestanian

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