Saturday, October 20, 2012

From Published Poetry Book "Beyond Words Love & Life"- "Broken Rose"

"Broken Rose"

She knows exactly the time,
Exactly the place,
When she decided there
Is no turning back,
She has a new mind set,
And there’s no reversing it,
This is who she was going
To be from this point on,
Hurt and so beat up emotionally,
Felt like so many hurt her intentionally,
Now she says…

“There’s no love,
There’s no one,
You can trust,
Just lust,
Just lies,
Just games,
And the fools
Who play along.”

There’s nothing you could tell her,
To take her back to a place
She once believed in,
She now walks differently,
She now talks differently,
Her eyes seem darker,
Her smile not as bright,
When you ask her what
Made such a deep change in her,
She just says…
“Protect your heart,
Everyone that comes along
Just wants to steal your light,
Steal your shine,
Steal your faith,
Steal your hope,
Steal away,
Till there’s nothing left
To pick away.”

 A sad tale of the broken rose,
No longer so beautiful,
Less likely to be admirable,
You get pricked when you touch her,
You get deception,
You get no revelation,
She knows never again,
Can she love again,
She knows this is how it must be,
This is who she should be,
To survive,
To thrive,
To live,
When so many seek

Her untimely demise.

From Published Poetry Book
"Beyond Words Love & Life"
Written By 
Ani Galestanian

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