Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Just Wish"

"Just Wish"

Missing you is nothing
New to me,
Feeling tears drip drop
From my eyes when
No one's looking...
Mourning you is nothing
New to me,
It's something I was
Too scared to do
When you first took
Your last breath,
Allowed the
Anger to take
A hold of me,
Ran from those
I cared for,
Knowing no one could
Fill that void in my heart...
The day God called upon your name,
I'd give anything to come over &
Share my day with you,
Wondering if you can
See how I've grown,
The progress I've made,
The people I help
Along the way,
Just wish you
Were here
With me,
Just wish I could hear
You say you're
Proud of me,
I feel your love
Blanket me
Every time I'm feeling
Tired & lonely,
Yet I just wish you were
Here with me...

Written By Ani Galestanian

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