Wednesday, October 10, 2012

From Poetry Book "Beyond Words Love & Life"- "Mr. Producer Man"

Mr. Producer Man

He said…
Follow me,
My promises are
Etched in stone,
Young lady trust in me,
Your talent is golden,
Your path no longer broken,
You shine bright,
Your words are
Thought provoking,
It’s evoking the strings &
Keys to drip drop
With much emotion,
Its the motion I choose
To direct your melody,
Young lady trust in me,
I’ve made stars out of stars,
Dreams fulfilled,
Unbelievers turned into the
Choir who preaches
To the youth.

I said…
Mr. Producer Man,
This I know,
But my life,
It hasn’t
Been easy though,
I followed a few,
Till I crashed and burned,
No longer do I walk
Like a blind man,
I see my future after
Accepting my past,
I bob and weave
Through the hits,
Been a few misses,
I’m that Miss that
Makes words 
Dance on paper,
Take your breath away
With one cleverly
Delivered line,
They can say what they
Want to say,
This Miss will do
What she needs to do,
For her family to
Finally see her talent
Will take her and them
To where they deserve to be,
A legacy born from the purity
Of the written word,
Stronger than the spoken word,
‘Cuz it remains for days on end,
So Mr. Producer Man,
Supply me with your melody,
Together we can 
Make history. 

From Poetry Book 
"Beyond Words Love & Life"
Written By Ani Galestanian

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