Wednesday, October 3, 2012

From Poetry Book "Beyond Words Love & Life"- "In My Mind"

"In My Mind"

I’m walking alone through this
Nightmare my mind orchestrated,
Getting deeper while trying not to
Allow the dark shadows to envelope me,
The light from within my soul is my
Guiding prayer,
Born from a place of purity,
Never will it fail me,
I hail to thee,
My savior for blessing me,
With talent,
With beauty,
With a family who truly
Loves me,
This road I lead is still rocky though,
Full of uncertainty that may scare
The strong,
Full of negativity coming from
Familiar faces,
That may discourage the ones afraid
To walk on their own,
Try something new,
But not I,
Their spiteful words will never
Deter me from reaching my destiny,
From taking what belongs to me,
Who’s going to say it does not
Belong to me?
In my mind I’m a soldier
Ready for combat,
My pen is my gun,
The battlefield is in my mind,
Where strategies are thought up
In order to secure victories,
Even though…
No plan is guaranteed,
No road is hazard free,
I know…
This life belongs to only me,
The only one that can stop me,
Is me,
The angel and the devil do
Their dance in my mind daily,
And the outcome is plain to see,
I can be as amazing as I dream to be,
‘Cuz I am as amazing as I seem to be.

Written By Ani Galestanian
From Poetry Book 
"Beyond Words Love & Life" 

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