Tuesday, October 9, 2012

From Poetry Book "Beyond Words Love & Life"- "She..."


She has eyes that smile,
She has a smile that shines,
Doors open for her,
Opportunities are presented,
She's a present to the world,
But she wonders what they
Really want from her?
Would they like her if they
Saw the range of her rage?
Her confidence can be
Mistaken for cockiness,
There is a rawness in the
Way that she speaks,
Yet at times her words
Are so cleverly delivered,
It may be taken as she's fake,
She has connections from
The streets to the burbs,
Never had to worry about money,
‘Cuz she's daddy's little girl,
Little does daddy know what
His little girl has been through,
Take a deeper look,
She has a story to tell,
But do you really care to hear?
She looks away,
Rolls her eyes,
Knowing what this world really
Wants from her,
What they want she
Won't provide,
So she plays the game,
And she plays it well,
Taking names and casualties,
Knows her enemies,
It's all one in the same for her,
She goes thru life the only
Way she knows how,
She's a general,
She's a talent in her own right,
She's cruel to be kind,
She's the kind of friend you
Need on your side,
She's the kind of enemy you never
Want to make,
She takes you to where you
Need to be,
Only if you let her be,
The only way she knows
How to be,
So who is she?
She is me,
I am her,
So let it be…

From Poetry Book 
"Beyond Words Love & Life" 
Written By 
Ani Galestanian

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