Saturday, October 27, 2012

From Upcoming Poetry Book- "Conversations With God"

"Conversations With God"

Forgive me God,
I've lived life as a sinner,
Kept my hands clean,
Yet they consider me
To be guilty by affiliation,
I speak to them,
Try to give them hope,
An opportunity to
Dream for more,
Obtain their goals,
This pain in my
Heart won't diminish,
The sadness doesn't
Seem to fade away,
I pray,
I repent every day,
Rejoice when I'm
Around my loved ones,
They don't understand
What angers me,
The pain of my past
Won't drown the
Blessings that are
Sure to come,
I feel your love,
Your strength
Protecting me as
I'm moving in & out
Of these filthy streets,
Keep paving a way for
Me & I will walk on proudly,
This is me,
A work in progress,
I'm a saint,
I'm a sinner,
I'm not perfect but
I know...
I'm worth it!

From Upcoming Poetry Book
Written By Ani Galestanian

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