Thursday, October 4, 2012

"Her Reality"

"Her Reality"

She closes her eyes,
Frees her soul,
Allows these words to pour out,
She's the silent time,
A constant observer,
A compassionate friend,
A passionate lover,
A loyal daughter,
A strong sister,
She's put others ahead of her
All of her life,
Now it's time for her
To shine bright,
Take a step into the spot light,
She's been protected,
She's been sheltered,
Yet these demons came
After her,
Took her innocence,
Couldn't take her spirit though,
She fought her way back,
She's no longer hiding behind
The black curtain,
She's front and center,
Calling all the shots,
Her smile illuminates the room,
Winks back,
Knowing her deepest
She turned into

Written By 
Ani Galestanian

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